27 Jun

I love the Comrades marathon. Not running it, of course, but watching it. And being from KZN has afforded me the advantage of being on the road as a spectator/supporter, and I have played this part for more than twenty years.

Watching the marathon on TV is exciting, but it will never compare to the experience of spending the whole day on the road, driving from one spot to the next, competing with thousands of other cars to get parking, walking, running and climbing to arrive at a certain spot before your runner gets there. The adrenaline rush is quite something. The food, music, excitement of meeting friends, the electricity in the air, the camaraderie. All on another level.

But above all this, what takes the cup is the determination of the runners to finish what they have started. It is etched in every stride they make, every drop of sweat from their faces, every ache from their strained muscles, the cramps on their legs, the resolve on their faces. It all screams, "This is not for the faint-hearted! This is hard! But hard is what makes it great."

The Comrades Marathon is not for the faint hearted indeed, I should know. I am married to a man who has successfully run 13 marathons. Indoda emadodeni. And by God’s grace he managed to finish all within the stipulated times. But for me, every single person who sets out on that day to run the 89kms between PMB and Durban is a hero. 

I also love the slogans that mark the theme of each year’s marathon. They speak volumes. Here are a few from the previous years:
Be part of it- Bamba iqhaza
It will humble you- Izokuthoba
It takes all of you- Zinikele
Together we triumph- Sizonqoba
No turning back- Asijiki
This is it- Ziyasha

As usual, this year I set out in the morning to go and offer support to the runners. But this year was different because not only was Gesh (husbae) not running, but he was also not around. None of our children were around either, but that did not deter me from packing my camp chair, food, and a good book. But this year was also different for me because as I participated in this experience, the theme for season 2 of our podcast, "From Our Heart To Yours," was playing on my mind, and I seemed to be watching the marathon through a different set of eyes. All I was seeing and experiencing seemed to be happening in the context of a committed relationship. 

Beloved lovebirds, I am so excited to be bringing to your hearts season 2, with the theme "The Conscious Relationship - Increasing Pleasure and Decreasing Pain." Hearts Courageous is inviting you to come along and be part of this experience. This is, after all, From Our Heart to Yours. Keep your eyes peeled on my Facebook page, Nokanyo Lulu Ndlovu, as well as our website, www.nokanyondlovu.com, for news of when episode 1 will be uploaded. In the meantime, follow us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts so that you don't miss a thing.  

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